zondag 15 juli 2012

The Zombie Diaries - World Of The Dead (UK/2011)

Follow up of the 2006 Movie Zombie Diaries.

Now I was unlucky enough to read some reviews on IMDB.com while looking up some info and they were a bit harsh in my opinion. Most "experts" down there were slating it like it was the worst zombiemovie ever made. Total nonsense!

Like the first one, it has it's flaws but it's a pretty decent effort.

We follow a group of military men and women, who after 99% of Brittain is infected, try to reach the coast to escape the island for mainland Europe.
This all is filmed by some military press guy with a handycam. A lot of it shown I thought was pretty exciting and made me wan't to see what's next. The random zombie encounters, other survivors who also are out for their blood made this an entertaining watch.
The acting is quite alright, the gore could be a bit more and the zombies are of the cheap kind but convincing enough. And there are lot's of them too.

Isn't there anything bad about this one? Yes there is and that's why I gave it a score of six instead of a seven.
A lot of things just don't make sense in the story and action scenes.
I mean why waste a hell of a lot of ammo when the zombies are so damn slow, you could do a sackrace to reach the other side.
One time in the dark, the zombies can't see the mainactors when almost standing nose to nose and the other time when it's even darker in a tunnel they can. The cameraguy seems to be bulletproof while filming. More than once he get's out of cover while the bullets are flying everywhere.

But most of the time, I was entertained and that's what it's all about.

BBQ's score

Director: Michael Bartlett, Kevin Gates

Actors:  Philip Brodie, Alix Wilton Regan and Rob Oldfield
Runing Time: 88 minutes.



zondag 8 juli 2012

Opstandelsen aka The Resurrection (Denmark/2010)

From Denmark comes this dark semi-short movie (50 minutes) Opstandelsen where a family is gathered at a church for the funeral of Simon, when the dead rise from their graves .

Not much more of a story than that, but who cares? There's enough gore in it for a full length feature.
It's pretty well done with a great dark atmosphere throughout the entire flick. Not much humour to be found in this one, which is a rarity these days where every zombie movie is turned into a comedy.

The zombie are of the cheap kind, not lot's of make-up effort in them but that's compensated with a lot of blood and gore which makes it work anyway and there are quite a few of them.

The shakey camerawork sometimes makes it hard to see what's going on, because it's a pretty dark movie, but somehow it didnt bother me too much, cause it made it just that bit scarier.

All in all, pretty good effort and for the people who found the dvd, take a look at the extras too. There are four pretty gorey music video's in there that are shot by the same director as well.

BBQ's Score

Director: Casper Haugegaard
Cast: Mads Althoff, Marie Frohmé Vanglund and Jonas BjØrn Andersen
Running time : 50 minutes
