The combination of drama and horror does work, but it kind of takes the pace out of the movie in the beginning. It takes a good while before the action really starts, but when it does it does it with style.
To sum up the story in short:
Alex and Meg go on a holiday to the country side to safe
their troubled marriage.
Meg goes out for a run after another fallout with her
husband and when she’s attacked by a "rabid" man, things turn ugly.
Alex has to use everything in his powers to fight of the zombies and after his wife turns he has even bigger things to worry about.
It's all put together pretty well. The acting is quite good, well filmed, great exciting action, the zombies look sick and there's a decent amount of blood. The suspence factor is quite high in this movie and that's just what alot of this genre is missing at the moment. The dvd extra's like "the making of" is very interesting and enjoyed watching it. It seems like the entire crew was casted as a zombie for the end of the movie.
Good effort, but could have done with a bit more zombie action in my opinion cause that was great executed imo, but that could be me just not being too much into drama.
BBQ's score
Director: Dominic Brunt
Cast: Dominic Brunt, Joanne Mitchell and Nicky Evans
Running Time : aprox. 82 minutes
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